Create Image Groups and add the images you want to score.
Specify the Quality Control percentage for the amount of image duplication you want.
Create your scoring system by entering values or load a previously created scoring system.
Optionally, you can save the scoring system to a file for future reuse.
View each of your images and select a score.
Review the Summary, Raw and Quality Control results. These results can be saved to a CSV file.
Here you will be creating Image Groups and associating image files with those groups. These will be the images that are later presented for scoring in a random order. The results will include a summary of scores per Image Group level.
Quality Control Image Duplication - This input allows you to specify the percentage of image duplication you want to include for quality control purposes. These duplicate images will be presented to you for scoring along with the original images you have selected. They will be presented in a random order after all of the original images have been scored. The purpose is to help you validate that your scoring system is specific enough and that your score selections are consistent.
Add Group - Clicking this button will open a dialog for you to provide a name for the new Image Group. Once you have provided a name and clicked 'Ok' then you will be prompted to select images to associate with this group.
Remove All - Clicking this button will remove ALL Image Groups. There is a confirmation dialog to verify you want to perform this action. Once you agree to remove all groups, the action cannot be undone.
Green Plus - Once you have added an Image Group, you will see a Green Plus beside the group. Clicking this will open an image selection dialog, which allows you to add additional images to the Image Group.
Red X - Once you have added an Image Group, you will see a Red X beside the group. Clicking this will remove the Image Group. This action cannot be undone.
Continue - Clicking this button will move you to the Scoring System section of the program. You can return to this page later if needed.
You must add at least 1 image before continuing! - You will get this error if you click Continue before adding any images. You must add at least 1 image before you can continue to the next section.
This will remove all image groups. Do you want to continue? - You will get this warning if you click the Remove All button. Clicking Yes will result in all Image Groups being removed (this action cannot be undone). Clicking No will cancel the action and no changes will be made.
Image Formats - Blinder currently supports files in the following formats: 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'SVG', 'BMP', 'ICO', 'TIF', 'TIFF'. Note that the image must have one of these file extentions or it will not show up in the image selection dialog.
Image File Size - There is no limit on image file size, but TIF images are converted to PNG as part of being displayed on the screen. If you have a large tif, you may see a loading spinner on the screen while the image is converted.
Number of Images - There is no limit on the number of images or the number of Image Groups that you can add.
None at this time.
Here you will be creating or loading a Scoring System to be used when scoring your images. These scores will be selectable from a dropdown box as each image is presented to you.
Add Value - Clicking this button will add an additional input box for entering a score value.
Remove All - Clicking this button will remove ALL score values that have been entered. There is a confirmation dialog to verify that you want to perform this action. Once you agree to remove all score values, the action cannot be undone.
Load - Clicking this button will open a file selection dialog. You can then select a previously saved Scoring System, which will be loaded and shown to you on the screen. Once loaded, you can modify the Scoring System or use it as is.
Save - Clicking this button will open a file save dialog. You can then select a location and filename for your Scoring System. The Scoring System is saved in JSON format.
Red X - Clicking the red X next to a score value will remove that score value. This action cannot be undone.
Add More Images - Clicking this button will move you back to the Image Groups screen. You can add modify your Image Group selections and then return to this screen.
Start Scoring - Clicking this button will start your Image Scoring. You can return to this page later if needed.
You must add at least 1 score value! - You will get this error if you click Start Scoring before adding any score values. You must add at least 1 score value before you can start the Image Scoring.
This will remove all score values. Do you want to continue? - You will get this warning if you click the Remove All button. Clicking Yes will result in all score values being removed (this action cannot be undone). Clicking No will cancel the action and no changes will be made.
Length of Score Value - The score value is limited to 255 characters.
Number of Score Values - There is no limit on the number of score values you may enter.
None at this time.
Here you will be presented with each of your selected images in a random order. The dropdown box has the values from your Scoring System. Once all images have been given a score, you will be shown the results.
Score Selection Dropdown - This dropdown has the values from the Scoring System that you created. Select 1 of these as the score for the image before moving to the next image.
Restart - Clicking this button will move you back to the Scoring System screen and will remove any scores you have already selected. You can make any needed modifications and then start the Image Scoring again. There is a confirmation dialog to verify that you want to perform this action. Once you agree to restart, the action cannot be undone and all Image Scoring will be reset.
Next Image - Clicking this button will present the next image for you to score. You can return to the current image later if needed.
Previous Image - Clicking this button will take you back to the previously shown image. You can modify the score you gave it if needed.
Get Results - This button will appear when you are on the last image left to score. Clicking it will take you to the results screen. There is a confirmation dialog to verify that you want to continue. Once you agree to continue, you cannot return to the Image Scoring or modify any of the score values that you selected.
You must select a score! - You will get this error if you click the Next Image or Get Results button before selecting a score value from the dropdown list. You have to select a score before moving on to the next image or getting the results of the Image Scoring.
Score selections will be reset. Do you want to continue? - You will get this warning if you click the Restart button. Clicking Yes will take you back to the Scoring System screen and all selected score values will be reset (your Image Scoring progress will be lost, this action cannot be undone). Clicking No will cancel the action and you will remain in the Image Scoring section.
Score selections cannot be changed beyond this point. Do you want to continue? - You will get this warning when you click the Get Results button. Clicking Yes will take you to the results screen. You cannot return to Image Scoring or change any score selections after you move to the results screen. Clicking No will cancel the action and you will remaing in the Image Scoring section.
TIF images are converted to PNG for display - You may see a loading spinner while the program does this conversion. The larger the TIF, the longer the conversion will take.
Score Selection Dropdown - The score selection dropdown will be active when an image is 1st shown. This allows you to use the up/down arrow keys to select a score value. Alternatively, you can press the 1st character of the score value to select it. For examaple, if you had a score value of 'Good' and no other score values starting with a 'g' then pressing the 'g' key would select this value. If you had multiple values starting with 'g' then it would take you to the 1st 'g' value and you could type additional characters in quick succession to select the score value you want ('go' for 'Good', etc).
Left Arrow Key - Pressing the Left Arrow Key will act the same as clicking the Previous Image button. If you are on the 1st image where the Previous Image button is not present then the Left Arrow Key will have no effect.
Right Arrow Key or Enter Button - Pressing the Right Arrow Key or Enter Button will act the same as clicking the Next Image or Get Results button.
Here you will be given the results of your Image Scoring. The Summary table gives you the scores and counts broken down by Image Group. The All Results table gives you a listing of all the images that were scored along with the Image Group they belong to and the score value that was selected.
Summary Collapsible - Clicking this will expand the Summary Results table. Clicking it once the table is expanded will cause the table to be collapsed.
Raw Results Collapsible - Clicking this will expand the Raw Results table. Clicking it once the table is expanded will cause the table to be collapsed.
Quality Control Results Collapsible - Clicking this will expand the Quality Control Results tables. Clicking it once the table is expanded will cause the table to be collapsed.
Save Results - Clicking this button will open a file save dialog. You can then select a location and filename for the exported results. The file will be in CSV format and will include both the Summary and All Results data.
Score More Images - Clicking this button will take you back to the Image Groups screen. The Image Groups and Scoring System you created will remain intact, but the score values you selected during Image Scoring and the Results will all be reset. There is a confirmation dialog to verify you want to perform this action. Once you agree, the action cannot be undone and all Image Scoring and Results will be reset.
This will clear all results. Do you want to continue? - You will get this warning when you click the Score More Images button. Clicking Yes will take you to the Image Groups screen. All Results and score values selected during Image Scoring will be reset. You cannot return to the Results screen after you click Yes. Clicking No will cancel the action and you will remain on the Results screen.
Results File Format - Only CSV format is currently supported for saving the results to a file.
None at this time.
What license is Blinder released under?
Blinder is released under the MIT license.
How can I cite Blinder?
There is an upcoming publication that you will be able to cite. This page will be updated when it is available.
How can I request a feature, report a bug or get help?
See the About page for contact information.